In order for those affected by a decision to be able to participate, democratic institutes of governance of different systems are being developed.

This also applies to topics that are important to young people.

We understand the participation of young people as an important contribution:

Participation can also result in many positive implications in the lives of young people. It contributes to the development of their personality, their inclusion in society and their ability to face the challenges and pressures of youth.

Participation comes from the Latin word “participare”, which means both to participate and to share, to be involved, as well as to share something.

Young people participate at all levels, from local to global, from informal settings such as groups, networks and communities, to formal structures such as youth organisations, municipal youth councils, student councils, and elections.

In Croatia, there are the following forms of youth participation:

National Student Council:


Babić, D., Bojić, M., Bužinkić, E., Glišić, V., Horvat, M.  Učenička vijećaSudjelovanje učenika/ica u procesima donošenja odluka. Zagreb, Croatia. Mreža mladih Hrvatske. Retrieved from:čenička_vijeća_-_Sudjelovanje_učenikaica_u_procesima_donošenja_odluka.pdf

Sočo, A. 2011. Mladi: Priprema, pozor, sudjelujte! Sudjelovanje mladih – modeli, mehanizmi, praksa. Zagreb, Croatia. Mreža mladih Hrvatske. Retrieved from:

Šalaj, B., Hoffmann, D. & Horvat. M. 2018. Edukacija za građansku pismenost Gonga: Politička pismenost, Zagreb, Croatia. Retrieved from:

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